Nooga Honey Pot

Melissae II Beeswax Sculpture


Melissae, the oracular Bee Nymphs of ancient Greece. The Melissae are considered divine messengers, conduits for prophecy, speakers of divine truths, and a source for inspired thought and song.

This whimsical piece is reminiscent of the connection between the practical, magical and mystical. In one way it's a tangible and practical creation. You can hold it in your hand, see it and smell it. On the other hand, it's made of beeswax-a magical substance in its own right *this is not a candle* and it reminds us of the magic of honeybees!

Ideas for placement…be creative!

At your work station
On a bookshelf
In your favorite plant
In a window
On your mantle
Table centerpiece
In a glass enclosure with plants around it
In a birds nest (on a mantle)
On a pile of old books
Near some candles
Use as a prop in photos

Size: 3x2x3