Nooga Honey Pot

100% Pure Beeswax


{100% Pure Filtered Beeswax}

Things to do with Beeswax:

* Make beeswax wraps
* Season cast iron
* Condition wood (cutting boards, etc.)
* Use for small batches of salves/balms
* Make shoe polish
* Coat screws
* Make fire starters
* Use to coat sewing thread
* Prevent rust on garden tools
* Seal wedding invitations, cards, etc.
* Furniture polish
* Waterproof your shoes or hat
* Use for plant grafting
* Coat drawers to make them open smoothly
* Use on hand saw teeth
* Soothe cracked heels
* Coat reeds of instruments
* Coat your snow skis
* Use on your bow & arrow strings
* Make some candles
* Make your own waterproof matches
* Wax your fishing like helps it float
* Make ornaments out of cookie molds
* Decorative art! Leave it like it is and put it on a dish or as part of a display

✨ Beeswax has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties
✨ Beeswax is a great gift for dads!
✨ Made by Chattanooga honeybees and filtered by NoogaHoneyPot (1.5 ounces)
✨ The price is for one beeswax medallions